Troop 251 and Pack 251 invite all Scout parents and other interested adults to help in creating an interesting and fun program, that will keep our boys involved in Scouting.
There are many ways you can help.
The extent of your commitment is up to you.
The following jobs are always open:
- come camping and hiking with us.
- be an assistant unit leader and assist at meetings and outings.
- help out at fundraisers.
- be a merit badge counselor for a skill of special interest to you.
- join the troop or pack committee and help to plan and support events.
- transport Scouts in your vehicle to Scouting events.
If you're not sure that you know how to do any of these jobs,
don't worry!
The BSA has great training programs
for adults at every level of involvement.
We never have too much help.
You'll enjoy working with people like yourself
who value time spent with our youth.
If you're not careful,
you might find yourself
having more fun than the boys.
Stop in at one of our meetings or e-mail us.
To enroll as a volunteer driver,
Click on the link below and print out the volunteer driver form.
Fill in the form and bring it to a meeting.
Driver Form
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251 Schedule of Events
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