Boy Scout Troop 251 will hold their annual Spaghetti Supper on Thursday, April 24, 2025. .

Meals will be served in Emerson Wilson Hall at Clarks Green United Methodist Church from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Takeouts will also be available.  Requested donation is $10.00.  Tickets may be purchased from any boy in the Troop or at the door.

Profit from the Spaghetti Supper that goes beyond the Troop's financial needs for the coming year will be divided up among the Scouts in the Troop to use for Scouting expenses. Each Scout's share of the profit is determined by his level of participation. A point system is used to measure the degree of participation.

The Point System

The Point System was devised as an equitable way to reward individual boys for their efforts in making our dinner a success. Each Scout has the opportunity to earn money for his individual Scout account, to be used for troop activities such as summer camp. As the single most important fund raising event for the boys, our dinner should be looked upon as a family activity. Parental involvement is vital for our dinner to be staffed adequately; therefore, parental help earns points for individual Scout accounts, also. It works this way:

TICKETS 2 pts. for each ticket sold and turned in three weeks before the supper. 1 pt. for each ticket sold and turned in two weeks before the supper. (All tickets must be turned in one week before the dinner so shopping lists can be made.)
5 pts. if the Scout works Wednesday night for setup.
5 pts. if the Scout works Thursday night at the Dinner--By the way, points will be deducted for Scouts who show up late for either night.
DESSERT 5 pts. if the Scout brings in a homemade dessert.
5 pts. will be awarded for an additional homemade dessert--to a maximum of 15 points for the dessert component of the point tally
5 pts. per parent (or adult partner) at one session
10 pt. Maximum per session
Three sessions are: Wednesday night, Thursday afternoon and Thursday night.

FOR EXAMPLE, if a Scout sells 10 tickets and turns them in three weeks before the dinner, he earns 20 pts. Add 10 pts. for working both Wednesday and Thursday nights, and he is up to 30 pts. Add 5 pts. for bringing a dessert, and 5 pts. for a parent volunteering for one session and his total is now 40 pts.

The point chart is filled in and a total number of points earned by all Scouts is found. The profit made on the dinner is divided by the total points earned by all Scouts. The result is the value of each point, which is then multiplied by the number of points each Scout earned to determine the contribution to his account.

Suppose the Troop earns a profit of $3,000 and the budget for next year is $1,000. $3,000 less the $1,000 = $2,000, which is the amount to be divided among the boys. Now assume that the total points earned by all of the boys is 1,700. $2,000 ÷ 1,700 = $1.176 for each point. If a Scout earned 40 points, then his contribution to his own account will be $47.04 (40 x $1.176). If Scout B earned 22 pts, then he gets $25.87 for his account.

We hope this arrangement will provide our Scouts with not only an opportunity to pay their own way for some of our scheduled outdoor activities, but also a chance to experience the ninth element of the Scout Law: "A Scout is Thrifty."

Click here for more info about donating deserts.

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