The goal of the Scouting in Clarks Green website is to provide a source of information about the activities of Pack 251 and Troop 251. The website also allows us to share pictures of some of the good times that the Scouts and Scouters of Clarks Green have had together and to recognize the rank achievements of the boys. If you have any information or pictures you would like to share, or errors you have noticed, please e-mail me. We'll try to include everything practical. You can find more up-to-date pictures and information about Troop 251 and Pack 251 on Facebook. Just log into Facebook and type into the search box "Boy Scout Troop 251" or "Cub Scout Pack 251". To protect the privacy of our Scouts, both of these Facebook groups are "closed", which means that you have to request access to each site. If you are a parent or close relative of one of our Scouts, please describe your relationship when you request access. We approve access of known Scout relatives within 24 hours or less. Any questions about the website or our Facebook pages may be sent to the Webmaster. |